At elevated radonnivåer in indoor air, it is advisable to undertake measures and improvements that reduce radonnivåer. Action plans must be adapted to each building.

If radonnivået in the building exceeds 200 Bq/m3 technical assistance should be sought in order that appropriate measures can be selected. A consultation and inspection of the building is very important in order to avoid trial and error in a continuous improvement process.

Inspection of property intends to find the most effective radontiltak for a particular building. Our advisors have mangeårs experience with inspection of homes and workplaces with respect to radon. During an inspection of the property we make short term measurements, tracks up points with greater penetration of radonholdig jordgass with a sniff and a thorough review of the building. The client will receive a report with detailed action plan which outlines remedial solutionsRadonsniffing på arbeidsplass are best for your House, cottage or workplace.

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Remove advice re. radontiltak
Do you live in other regions, you can get assistance through one of our partners or through our remote consulting. In most cases, Radonlab can help you no matter where in the country you live.

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Execution of radontiltak
Radonlabs contracting Department performs the vast majority of action against radon in all types of homes and other buildings. Our experienced fitters make building and ventilation against radon technical measures. Please contact us to arrange a home inspection and get price quotes. Read more ...

Order inspection and execution of measures against radon now!


New construction and rehab

The new building offers Radonlab radonundersøkelser the building ground and projecting of preventive radontiltak.


Simple measures and improvements in existing buildings Moderately elevated radonnivåer can often be prevented by relatively simple measures. In buildings where the radonkonsentrasjon are between 100 and 200 Bq/m3 can attempt to reduce residential owner radonnivået with some simple measures: 1. the Internal sealing of air leaks on the floors and foundations and around the pipe and cable penetrations. 2. Improvement of ventilation of indoor air in a timely manner will also be able to help reduce radonnivået.