Question: How can one reduce the dangers of radon?

Answer: By using good ventilation, groundsealing, and radon suction.Ventilasjonstiltak mot radon

Research supports the importance of a safe and good indoor air quality, and we know that the location is important. In general, good ventilation impacts quality of indoor climate, however, in some places good ventilation is not sufficient. Our country is made up of a lot of mountains, and some types of rock makes your home more susceptible to radon. Ingvild Engen Finne at the Statens Strålevern will tell you that radon mitigation helps:

Three key actions are aimed against radon - Radon is a radioactive gas present in groundair as a result of uranium decay, and unhealthy radongas in the ground seeps into our houses from below. We know that there is a correlation between radon and lung cancer, and that the risk increases significantly if you smoke, she says.

– First you should ensure good ventilation, which will dilute the concentration of radon. You should seal towards the ground, using special radon sealants recommended by experts. Using good ventilation in the basement is probably also a good idea. The third measure is often the most effective - that is to suck the radon out of the ground through a channel in the basement floor, letting the radongas out through a hole in the wall, Finne says.

There are certain types of rock that are most at risk, primarily various rock fills, alum shale, and granite. It is recommended to measure radon every five years. Those who live in the basement and on the first two floors are most at risk.

Research shows that radon mitigation is worth the effort, and a recently published legislation states that all rental housing must be kept below a certain limit in terms of measured radon. These regulations do not apply to apartments in housing cooperatives, unless you specifically rent out to others.

Recommendations from the Radiation Protection Authority concerning these residences are exactly the same as for other homes.

from Boretslaget, Mediaplanet